Domain Names: Does it Really Matter Which Ones You Use?

When creating a website, one of the all important first decisions is “What am I going to name this site – What domain name should I use and is it really important…and what about the extension…does that matter?”

Selecting the right name makes all the difference for a new site author’s success, regardless of his or her website’s subject matter. It’s also true that these labels can really impact the marketability of companies and businesses online. A memorable name increases a site’s chances of visitors returning to it and also for the site to rank well in major search engines, so it is easily found by visitors. This is important for building traffic to the website.

Domains that are complicated to type into a browser have the risk of lower traffic numbers. An effective name, besides being shorter in length, also contains one targeted keyword that relates to the website’s niche topic. A recommended strategy for a new site owner is to create a list of short keywords to include when trying domain name possibilities.

A label that indicates the site’s topic is often more trustworthy in the minds of people searching for specific information. New visitors who get an idea right away about the site topic are sometimes more likely to click a link to a site with this type of name.

If you use alternative spellings and characters in your choice of a name, searchers may not be able to find your name. If you really want a particular name and it is already taken, spelling it differently may not be a good solution.

What about extensions…do they matter? Are they important?

Extensions do matter as part of the name. SEO algorithms rank websites according to several factors, one of which is the label extension. Sites with .com and .net extensions are viewed as more credible and trustworthy. Search engine optimization experts recommend that a site creator use a .com extension if possible. Some extensions such as .info or .me may cause a website to drop lower in the search results.

Three of the most important factors for selecting a name include:

             – Conciseness

             – The use of a .com extension whenever possible

             – And the ability of potential site visitors to remember the name.

People who talk about a website to their friends are more likely to do so when the name is brief but attention-grabbing.

The short answer to the question about the validity of domain names and their extensions is positive. It does make a difference in your internet presence, and it is extremely important to remember this when trying to create a website. However, these should also be part of a well-designed and implemented marketing campaign.

By Ken Larizza

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